Wow! Such an important part of our jobs, right? If you didn’t document it, it didn’t happen. I remember learning that way back in CNA classes. I could do an entire article or even lesson, on what I have learned about documentation. Before I lose you though, that’s not the type of documentation I meant on this particular blog.

While you’re on your per diem, agency and contract work. Document the important stuff! When you gather all the info for your shift, from the offgoing nurse – keep the important stuff somewhere other than a random piece of paper that will probably get thrown out later. Personally, I use my notepad on my iphone. But you can use whatever works for you.

I’ll title the notepad subject as the name of the facility. Inside I will document for the facility, my point click care access, or login info – all goes on in the notepad. Often you will have a log in for the desktop/laptop and for PCC (etc). I’ll enter any access codes to storage rooms or entrances (some places I’ve been even have codes for the bathrooms). I’ll put important numbers in my notepad, because there is not always a handy phone number list. You can make note of your ratios. You can add any information obviously, that you want to recall for the next time you visit this facility.

This has proven to save my tail many times in the past. Often you will forget your login info and sometimes it can take forever to get the access from facilities who aren’t as organized. Which puts you off to a late start on your shift and can make for an avoidable, chaotic time.

Remember, we have to be independent and take matters into our own hands to create the best possible outcomes! You can be in charge of setting the tone for how your experiences go. I am so unorganized sometimes, but lists have always been my knight in shiny armour. Maybe for you, too?

Good luck out there! And if you need some advice, information or just a listening ear. Reach out! Stay tune for another Nurse Nanook blog, coming soon! Don’t forget to share your tips and tricks, advice, favorite agencies/apps! Looking forward to hearing from you.

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