Agency nurses get a bad reputation BECAUSE many health care workers decide to work agency and are not willing or capable to be professional. The reason agency pays more, because the anticipation is there to quickly catch on and understand each assignment. You are working last minute shifts, for facilities whom do not have enough staff nurses to fill each shift and you are expected to adapt and fit in to the environment.
Working independently, maintaining professional relationship with patients, patient families, and your peers is a big part of your required duties. When working with these people, they won’t know the difference between you and “Staff nursing”.
With the increasingly large nursing shortage, many nurses are able to choose agency nursing and seemingly float around to different facilities without any consequences to their shortcomings and integrity. This could be largely impacted by burn out, and staff seeking relief through agency. Know that the best way to solve burn out, is to YES try new career pathways and to spice up your opportunities. However, self-care is key, taking extra time off and preparing yourself for each shift appropriately. Our job is much harder than just looking good in scrubs and reeling in the big money, so to speak.
When we aren’t able to provide excellent care and feel like our shifts are unmanageable – we are left with feeling defeated and this worsens symptoms of burn out and affects the quality of our work. It’s important to understand that as nurses, we are also human beings and not simply just in our “calling” profession to give to others. We must be able to tend to our own needs as well. However, working in healthcare is being in charge of lives, well being, of others. We are advocates for care, educators and seen by the public eye as something much more than just people at work, at their job, waiting to get off at the end of shift. The career path we have chosen does not have to be our entire personality, for sure! We deserve time off, self care, room for growth etc. Make sure you are getting the care YOU deserve by advocating for yourself.
The point is, doing agency is NOT easy. The luxury of doing agency is having autonomy over your own schedule. Being able to stay out of work politics and choosing when and if you’ll return to a certain location. You will also get the opportunity to decide if a certain type of nursing is one that you would like to do long term.
The biggest loophole to be stuck in is the one that goes “No one else does this or that” So! “I’m not going to do that, either” or “I’m only getting paid $xx.xx amount of money and it’s not enough for me to worry about ____”. This thought process is not one that induces success and it gives agency nursing a bad rep. On the bright side, it does give those of us that wish to stick with our integrity and work ethic an easier time of being more appealing to the employer/staffer who is picking whom will be returning to work etc.
Like I tell my kid, we are in charge of setting our own “TONE”. For instance, when you go to get your haircut/styled – the beautician sets the tone and experience you will be having by taking charge of your experience. We have the same power in our careers and personal life. You are the master of your own experience. By letting others influence your values, you create a less fulfilling experience. I’m a firm believer that most of us healthcare workers want to do a great job, and also keep a healthy work life balance in tow. Sometimes we just need reminders and guidance on how to continue to achieve this!
100 percent of the time, we will feel more fulfilled, inspired, happy and proud of ourselves if we stick to our own values.
Follow along for more TIPS, TRICKS & ADVICE on agency, travel and per diem NURSING. Don’t forget to reach out, leave a comment with your questions and advice. REQUEST a topic to be the NEXT article. Your engagement is VALUABLE! Nurse Nanook